Mothers Day Front Porch Blessing


Mothers Day Front Porch Blessing
There’s something profound that happens when a seed is planted into the ground.

It’s not something we can easily explain because it involves faith, something we can be sure of, even while we can not see the end at the beginning.

It also involves different elements and conditions.  The type of soil the seed is planted into, the surroundings that are around the seed, even the expectations of the one who planted the seed.

The seed- it’s just a seed.

And- there are MANY  different types of seed.

It’s full of possibilities.  It’s full of potential…

Potential to ‘be’ what it was designed to be. 

But a seed unplanted?  It is just a seed… it’s unborn potential of what ‘might‘ be…

But imagine for a moment how far reaching that one tiny seed could travel once it IS planted! 

You see, the ‘seed’ was programmed to reproduce after its own kind.

Every single form of life, God created uniquely and miraculously within itself, the potential seed to reproduce after its own kind. 

The tomato plant bears tomatoes.  Within the tomato are… you guessed it…seeds. 

Seeds of potential that, if planted, will reproduce more tomatoes.

But what would happen if, say, the tomato seed was never planted?  
Let’s say, for purpose of illustration, the tomato seed was placed inside an envelope, and stored away in a dresser drawer for years…

The little seed, intended for so much more life to bring… remains only just a seed… a seed of possibility, a seed of potential… but never realized it’s purpose.

Today, I want to suggest the amazing POWER that is concealed with the seed of our thoughts, our words, and our prayers for our children.

As a mother of three different, uniquely individually talented and gifted children, I was challenged.

I was challenged in planting the seeds of hope for my children in the garden of my heart.  

See, I had to realize the gifts within each of my children, and recognize each one is unique in their own right. 
And I had to weed out the garden of my heart with prayer. 
I had to protect and nurture the environment in which the seeds of their lives were planted…

And like each seed we plant in our gardens, each child take time to grow it’s roots into the soil of life, even before the ‘plant’ from the seed raises to the surface!

When a seed is planted, it’s thrust into the darkness of the soil. 
It’s covered up.  
It’s not seen.  
It’s seemingly isolated, and alone.  

But just like when the fertilized seed is planted into the womb is unseen, in a dark place… the seed planted in the soil is unseen, in a dark place.

But it’s the thoughts, words and prayers we give towards the seeds that help them develop.  

God’s Word in Jeremiah 29:11 says “for I know the thoughts I have towards you, sayeth the Lord, thoughts of good and not of evil, thoughts to prosper you and not to harm you.”

When we put our faith in the Word of God, cling to it, trust in it, BELIEVE it, no matter what we see, hear, think, imagine, feel… and when we keep confessing what God’s Word says, the unseen realm changes the seen realm.

Something happens in the soil of our heart.  

A confidence in what God is doing takes over the uncertainty of what we are not seeing.

When we add in the POWERFUL fertilizer of prayer, oh my!  

God watches over His Word and performs it!  GOD  is the miracle grow for our seed!

He will cause those things that are not as though they are!

His plans that He alone deposited into the seed of our children’s life begins to unfold, and our family garden begins to bear much fruit, bursting with flavor and variety!

This Mothers Day,  May 2017, my three blessings demonstrated their love towards me in their own unique way.  

I wouldn’t want it any other way.

The seeds planted into the lives of our children when they were babies have grown into a beautiful, loving, blooming garden of life.

Our son, who is self employed with a busy Handyman business that specializes in flooring, ceramic tile and bath remodels,  hand delivered me beautiful flowers.  

And he spent time with me. For him, the sacrifice of time away from his growing business was a huge gift!  
I’m STILL enjoying the beautiful flowers!

Our last born daughter Morganne Grace and her husband Asa blessed us with invitation of their college graduations on the same day.   They are newlyweds of 17 months.

They graduated from BOTH colleges debt free!  They treated us to lunch with them afterwards… gifted me with a meaningful card and thoughtful practical gift that was on my ‘wish list’.

And our first born daughter, Helen Page, who lives four and 1/2 hours from us- oh my- it’s hard on a momma being separated from your child- even though they are grown and independent!

She sent me a Mothers Day blessing that greeted me today on my front porch… which inspired me to write today’s blog… 
When I arrived home from healing service today, a package that was assembled by Helen awaited me with much forethought, time and creativity…  and will keep reproducing…

Each gift of love came from seeds of love that were planted years ago, watered with thought, God’s Word, and much prayer.

And these seeds?  Our children? 

They continue to reproduce after their own kind.

I’m grateful to God for a full garden. 

I’m grateful for the variety of uniqueness in my children.  

I’m thankful to God that He directs the seeds of our children to grow, prosper, bless, and bring in a rich harvest, each in their own individuality, uniquely special way.

And I’m eternally grateful to stand beside this incredible man, my soul mate and high school sweetheart, ministry partner and husband to watch God’s love continue to reproduce in the seed of our marriage.


Being a mother is not always an easy ‘job’.  
Pain is associated with the joys that come with the title ‘mom’… 
Iamjesusgal Ministries
When we open our hearts to a newborn baby, we become vulnerable to heartache.  
Sacrifice begins, and never truly ends. 
As the baby grows, into an active demanding toddler, we wonder if we will ever sleep.  
Then toddler grows into a school aged child- and we wonder how we will survive the separation of child leaving us, if only for a few hours a day- and hold back the tears, adjusting to ‘sharing’ our child with the teacher…
Then teen years come- and for some, additional children may follow the one- so that the juggling of emotions become more skilled- how can we possibly love another child the same?  
We realize we can’t.  Our love for each is unique.
Many of the child-rearing milestones we reach come with a price… 
They fall. They get hurt. They become sick. They get rebellious. They make mistakes.  They grow into people.
You spend sleepless nights when they are late coming home, waiting for the phone to ring or the front door to squeak open… holding your breath until they are finally home. 
They exhibit a strong will, sometimes a stubborn streak, and they go a different direction than the plan you envisioned for them…
You cry yourself to sleep many a night, until you realize it’s better to trust God for them, and then you spend much time on your knees, in prayer.  
Then they grow up. 
They leave for college, but you soon realize they never really come ‘home’ again. 
You were not prepared for this.
Or were you preparing for this allaling, from the very beginning?
They move on and move out.   They come home to ‘visit’ and leave again. 
They get married. They move away. And they get busy living their life, independent and successful. 
And as proud as you are of them, you miss them. 
 You miss the sounds of their little feet running up and down the stairs… you miss the slamming of doors and sweet hugs and goodnight kisses. 
You miss them climbing in your lap, asking you to read the book ‘just one more time, mommy!’ 
You miss the walks in the parks, the swings and the slides.  You miss their mastering accomplishments, beaming with pride.
You miss cheering for them at soccer games, encouraging them at cross country meets.
You miss the squeaky missed notes of instruments & voice while rehearsing a song, and applauding them at band concerts and choral concerts. 
You miss all of their friends coming by the house, some staying overnights… 
You find yourself adjusting from a full, boisterous house of five + to a quiet home of two… 
And then somehow, you adjust again to how it all began…just the two of you, only different.  
Part of yourself is no longer nearby.
But the joys of motherhood, with all the heartaches, is only one part of my life, indescribable. 

I come to realize that motherhood IS joy.  Joy is a state of being, not a feeling.
Joy doesn’t change because if our emotions, or circumstances.
Being a mother, with all the hurts, and fears, brings indescribable joy.
A joy that is not to be wasted.  A joy that is a privilege and a cause for praise.
I have dear friends who long for this experience & my heart aches for them. I pray for them, and try not to take my blessings for granted. 
I am far away from being an expert, or a ‘perfect’ Mom.  I have made many mistakes as a mother, tried to ‘figure it all out’ while raising our three, while trying to figure out life in general. 
Not easy. But- I have come to realize, as imperfect as I am, that I was the ‘perfect choice’ as mother to my three, because you know why?
Because God chose me.
And that???
THAT is the main thing I’ve never figured out- 
God, You have given me the absolute BEST gift ever- of being chosen to be the mother of Douglas Roundy Jr, Helen Roundy and Morganne Skinner, and now You’ve given me another son, through marriage, Asa Skinner.  
I can’t comprehend the love of God, in that He blessed me, undeserving me, to marry my high school sweetheart, Doug Roundy…
Or how God blessed us to grow an amazing family, with each of our quirks, and shortcomings, yet also with each of our unique talents and abilities, and hearts desires.
God, You somehow created us imperfect people perfectly, and formed us together into a family, to do life together.  
It’s part of Your perfect plan, even though in part, we don’t really understand.
As Mothers Day 2017 comes to a close, I ponder all the myriads of emotions, and memories collectively over the years of being a mother- and I say Thank You God, for choosing me for the best ‘job.’
The best ‘job’ in all the world, is being chosen by God to mother my children, the 3 +1.  
As a mother, I’ve learned what unconditional love looks like.
It’s the picture of God’s love.
It endures with patience and serenity, its being kind and thoughtful.
Unconditional love is not being jealous or envious;  does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. 
It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked nor overly sensitive and easily angered.
Unconditional love does not take into account a wrong endured. 
It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth when right and truth prevail. 
Unconditional love bears all things regardless of what comes, believes all things, looking for the best in each one.
Unconditional love hopes all things-remaining steadfast during difficult times, endures all things without weakening.

Unconditional love never fails, it never fades nor ends.