Healed by His Stripes


By His Stripes you are healed.’ Isaiah 53:5

True statement.

I can testify of the goodness and faithfulness of my God!!!

When I got revelation of His Word and truth…

That EVERYTHING we receive from God comes by faith-

That it takes the same faith to receive healing as it does to receive salvation and provision-


My life changed…when Jesus Christ, who IS my life, changed me!

I was broken… hurt… living a life of chronic, debilitating pain that no doctor could cure.

A snapshot of my life then:

Fibromyalgia. Degenerative bone and disc disease. Gastroparesis. Multiple fibroids, cysts, tumors in my abdomen, uterine area, and neck.

Partial paralysis in my esophagus that caused extreme swelling to the point I looked 8 months pregnant with toxins causing severe pains…multiple surgeries…including spinal fusion.

Variety of doctors, pain management clinics, even acupuncture… pain meds with allergic reactions to most- misery.


I was facing a hopeless future.

Was losing my ability to walk… in fact, was bent over, and ended in a wheelchair in 2005…

No one seemed to understand.

I tried my best to grin and bear it.

I tried my best to be as positive as I could… and would draw from every bit of inner strength I had just to function in public, and for my family.

I was determined not to miss a day or event of my children’s life.

I was determined not to give up and quit work and file disability, though I did receive disabled tags for my car…

I cried myself to sleep praying ‘Dear God, help me get through this night.’ And He did. Night and night, He granted my requests…

But I was not requesting what I needed- because I didn’t have faith I could receive it.

See, there’s two kinds of faith: a natural faith, and a God-kind of faith.

A natural faith we all have- it’s based on our five senses… what we see, hear, feel…

So for me, because I was feeling pain, I accepted the pain, by natural faith. Because I was hearing about my diagnosis and prognosis, I accepted it, by natural faith.

There’s another faith, a God-kind of faith. The Bible says ‘Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.’

So, when I ‘saw’ what the Word of God said about ME…and when I ‘heard’ and kept hearing about what Jesus did for me, according to the Word of God, the God-kind of faith happened!

About what Jesus did for ME…

When I learned that Hebrews 11:1 defined faith as ‘Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.’

And when I read in Romans 4:2 ‘What does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed GOD, and it was credited to Him as righteousness.”

I had to question myself:

Who do I believe? God? His Word? Or my feelings? Or my diagnosis?

I began reading these scriptures as if my life depended on them… (because it did.)

I was already born again…but this time-something was changing.

The eyes of my spiritual sight began to change.

Romans 4:18 says ‘against all hope, in hope Abraham believed…’

Romans 4:19 says ‘without weakening in his faith…’

Romans 4:20-21 says ‘yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promises of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised.’

I had to choose to believe God, over and beyond my feelings of hopelessness and pain, and diagnosis.

I had to receive my healing by faith and give God glory for it BEFORE I received any confirmation in my body…

I had to choose to believe God, that by the very stripes of Jesus, that He bore in His own body on the tree, for ME-I was healed.

Gods Word does not ever change. It works for whosoever believes.

I decided that I am a whosoever.

God’s Word changed my life, healed my body, restored my hope, and set me free!

He will do it for you, too!

There’s not one example in the Bible where someone came to Jesus in need of healing who left unchanged. Not one.

Scriptures states:

Matthew 9:35 ” and Jesus went about ALL the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing EVERY sickness and EVERY disease among the people.”

*Italic emphasis mine…

The scriptures also state:

‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.’ Hebrews 13:8

Most of the Bible gospel examples of healing, 12 of the 19, Jesus said it was by their faith they were made whole, healed. By their faith.

I love love love reading in Mark 5:21-42. It’s faith packed!!!

Just as Jesus read about Himself in the scriptures, so did I.

Mark 5:25-27 could have been me. ‘And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind Him in the crowd and touched His cloak.’

The most beautiful statement that still resonates with me, is this:

‘Jesus said to her “daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.’

Oh, to be called daughter by my Lord, my Healer, my Savior!

And to be free from my suffering!!!

I share my testimony with you to encourage you. True hope is found in God’s Word.

He will never disappoint or leave you as you are, if you come to Him in faith.

If you are willing to put what He says as vital to your circumstance, trust in Him, receive Him as Lord of your life…

He died for you because He loves you… sin is the culprit.

The Bible says ‘the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ (Romans 6:23)

Sin must be punished. God is love, but He is also just.

A Holy God can’t permit unrepented sin into His holy Heaven.

To confess Him as Lord, we must surrender our own way to Him.

Let Him become Lord of our life.

His way, because He IS the WAY., the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

Repent means to ask for forgiveness, admit our wrongdoing to God, and turn away from sin… and turning TO Jesus., believing in Him AND following Him, all the rest of our days.

When we receive Jesus as our Lord, and Savior, we also receive Him as our Healer, by faith.

It all depends on faith.

It depends on receiving the free gift, God’s grace, undeserved… can’t be earned. Freely given.

‘For by grace you are saved by faith, and this not by yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.’ (Ephesians 2:8-9)

If you would like to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and to receive your Healer, say this prayer by faith and mean it in your heart, then get connected with a good bible teaching church:

“Dear Heavenly Father,

I believe that You love me. And You sent Your only Son Jesus to die on the cross in my place for the death penalty of my sins.

I am a sinner. Please forgive me. I choose to turn away from my sins, and turn to You, as my Lord, my Savior, my Healer.

Accept me as I am. Help me. Heal me by Your stripes. Fill me, Holy Spirit. I am Yours, in Jesus Name. Amen.’

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If you’ve prayed this prayer, we’d love to hear from you!

What voice are you hearing?


I have been meditating a lot on this topic-
We are a triune being- we are a spirit, we possess a soul, and we live in a physical body.

…and a few days ago during my morning devotion it came up again…

So I decided to give birth to my thoughts and see what’s born…

Many have ‘awareness’ of this concept, based on bible truth-but few have revelation that we are a three part being and each part has a voice:

‘Conscience’ is the voice of our human spirit.
‘Reason’ is the voice of the soul, or mind.
‘Feeling’ is the voice of our body, or flesh.

Our Heavenly Father connects with us through our spirits, our inward witness… He doesn’t speak to our soul or our bodies… 

Nowhere in the Bible are we told God speaks to our body., or has a relationship with our mind.  

On the contrary, it’s our spirit man that is born again, but our mind has to be renewed daily.

Yet, the enemy ALWAYS gains access to us through our bodies (flesh) and our souls (mind)… in the ‘sense arena’- Satan appeals to what we ‘see’, ‘feel’, ‘hear’, ‘imagine’ or ‘think.’

And this is where it’s dangerous.

Satan is a liar, the father of all lies, in him there is no truth.   (John 8:44) He is a master of deception, and though there is nothing good about Satan, he is good at what he does:

Kill.  Steal.  Destroy.

That’s it.  That is his job description according to John 10:10.

He uses our senses to deceive us, so he can steal from us, destroy us, kill us.
Satan can not succeed however, unless we permit him to.  And God will permit what we permit.

Most of us get caught in the ‘feeling’ part… and get stuck there.

Many believe if they feel sick that they are sick.  Then they begin confessing the sickness, and their confession soon leads to possession… 

Before you are even aware- the thought that came by a wrong feeling was entertained, and settled into the heart, then confessed out of the mouth- bingo.  

Life is born from the wrong thought, that failed to get caught or run through the filter of Truth, God’s Word.

Follow the fruit to its root. Did it come to kill, steal or destroy, or, did it come to bring life, more abundantly
Folks- consider the root and inspect the fruit.

Many times you will actually hear people refer to a sickness as theirs…  In talking about it, without thinking, often they will say something like “my cancer has returned” thus, they are calling it theirs.  
Or, will say something like “I have the flu.” Taking ownership of it… agreeing with, permitting it rights to remain., assuming  there is no other way- if they have medical facts it exists, if they are feeling the symptoms, it must be so. 

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21).

Many believe that if they see, hear or feel it, ‘it’ must be true.

I’m not suggesting we live with our head in the clouds and ignore reality, symptoms, feelings or facts.  I’m stating that though something might exist and be a fact doesn’t mean it has the rights to remain and become a truth.

Friends, there’s a profound difference between ‘truth’ and ‘fact.’

If we give in to what we feel, or hear, or see- we are not living by faith. We are living by the worlds standards, not God’s.  We become a ploy for the enemy.

If we ‘feel’ something, we believe we ‘are’ what we feel. If we go by feelings alone, we become deceived and give in to these feelings.

God doesn’t call us to walk by our ‘feelings’. 

He created us with feelings, our emotions serve a purpose and it’s good to understand them, but as believers, we are not called to live by our feelings or get caught in the sense realm.

Rather, we are called to live by faith., by the Spirit. Not by sight.

Feelings are subject to change.

Thoughts and reasoning are subject to change.

Feelings and thoughts are based on facts- and facts are subject to change.

Truth (Jesus is Truth- and Jesus is The Word- therefore God’s Word is Truth.). So Truth, however, will never change, but has the power to change facts when acted upon by faith.

We are spirit, soul and body. Each has a voice.  

So… I’ll close with this thought provoking question:
Which voice is dominating you?   
1 Thess 5:23. Romans 8:1.  

12 Cor 5:7-10. Gal 5:18-20.

John 17:17. 
Minister Wendy J Roundy, international motivational speaker & missionary

Founder of ‘iamjesusgal ministries’ Iamjesusgal website

Founder of ‘Helping The Homeless Ministry’ Helping The Homeless Website