I am the reason


Before you get all huffy about the first picture, read the post and look at the rest, first…

I realize we celebrate the birthday of Jesus on Christmas Day-and we should.

We all give gifts to our loved ones -friends and family-at Christmas time, and we should.

Many will post and wear clothing and share the expression ‘Jesus is the reason for the season’… and that’s ok… but-

I have recently been challenged by the Holy Spirit on this…

He revealed to me, through scriptures and study, that ‘I’ am the reason. ‘YOU’ are the reason. JESUS is the gift. The ultimate gift. But without any doubt, I AM, YOU ARE, the reason.

‘For God so loved the world (the fallen, sinful world), that He gave (the gift) His only Son (Jesus) that whosoever (I am a whosoever) believes in Him (Jesus-the gift) will not perish, but have everlasting life.’ (John 3:16)

Jesus willingly left His throne in Heaven to be born of Virgin Mary, impregnated by the Holy Spirit, with the purpose to demonstrate Gods plan, leave His peace, and take our punishment for our sins-as The Messiah, Lord and Savior of the World… as Gods free gift to whosoever repents, receives and believes.

The Bible says ‘the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ (Romans 6:23)

The Bible says ‘ for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23)

Jesus came to bring us eternal life, He came to die in my place (your place)- so that I (and you, if you receive) can live eternally.

From before the foundations of the world, God had me in mind. (You in mind.)

Jesus is the gift, the greatest gift ever, but I am the reason. (YOU are the reason.)

Will you accept Gods free gift this Christmas season?

If so, pray this simple prayer out loud, believe it in your heart and speak it with your mouth,

“Father God, I believe that Jesus Christ is your one and only Son. Because You love me, even while I am a sinner, You sent Jesus from heaven to earth to die on the cross in my place to become my Lord and my Savior, paying the penalty of all my sins so that I might live. I ask You right now to forgive me of my sins. I repent from them, and with your help I will strive to live a holy life. Please come into my heart now as my Lord and as my Savior. I thank You for Your free gift of eternal life, Jesus, I receive You now freely, surrendering my life to You, becoming a child of God. In Jesus name, amen.”

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